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Alys Beach June 2012 Market Update

With pricing that started from the low $300s, the prior release of five Alys Beach home sites situated on the north side of 30A was recently sold in its entirety.

In light of that success, five additional home sites located south of 30A were recently released. The pricing of these sites ranges from the low $500s to the mid $600s. Alys Beach represents the best in New Urban community living and features Bermudian architecture set against the white sand and clear waters of Florida's popular Gulf Coast.

Out of the five home sites comprising the most recent release, just three remain available. Each is located along the

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Alys Beach Records Solid Sales Numbers in Recent Months

Alys Beach Real Estate SalesIn the summer of 2011, five attractively priced homesites were offered in the Alys Beach area, located on the southern side of Highway 30A. Each was situated on property fronting the Sea Garden pedestrian walkway that reaches from 30A all the way to the Alys Beach shoreline. The response to this offering was very positive, as evidenced by the fact that just a single homesite presently remains available at the promotional price.

Great optimism and excitement surrounds the launch of a another new undertaking that offers additional homesites priced from the lower $300s. Encircling Arboleda Park in Alys Beach, these sites will afford homeowners the ability to take advantage of more expansive outdoor living opportunities than might

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Trends in Seacrest Beach

Seacrest beach real estate trendsAlthough evaluating the real estate market is never easy, there appears to be some good news for Seacrest homeowners and those who want to buy in the area. It is no secret that home prices in Seacrest have been on the decline for several years. Today, however, prices seem to be stabilizing. From 2007 through 2010, the average price of a home in Seacrest decreased nearly thirty percent. Yet from 2010 to 2011, the price per square foot of Seacrest homes fell only four dollars, or less than two percent.

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Rosemary Newsletter 2012

Rosemary Beach real estate updateHappy 2012!? To kick off the New Year, I would like to offer an overview of Rosemary Beach home sales from 1999 to the present.


The unique Rosemary Beach community is off to a wonderful start with seven properties sold. Sales prices ranged from $268-$657 per sq. ft.


Slowly the vision begins to take shape.

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Seacrest Beach Oct. 2011 Market Update

Seacrest Beach real estate market updateData from 2007 to 2010 indicates that the average price per square foot of a home in Seacrest dropped dramatically. However, prices appear to be stabilizing once again as the average price looks to have increased slightly in 2011 for Seacrest Beach Real Estate. While the data over the past two years indicates a drop in the number of homes sold in Seacrest, the average price per square foot appears to have leveled off. After a number of years in which the price of homes in Seacrest has dropped

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The Premier Property Group 10343 E County Hwy 30a, Seacrest Beach, Florida 32461. 850-231-7026 Copyright